Our Family Website


August 2024    NEW!

Fleur Gamlin, Elizabeth's mother, sadly passed away on the 31st August 2024 at the age of 84. She will be dearly missed and remembered for her kindness and strong faith. Her funeral was a beautiful celebration of her life, and a recording of it can be viewed under the News menu at the top of the page, along with two eulogies read and a message from Lauren (one of her grandchildren).

December 2023

Our Christmas newsletter for 2023 has been written and can be viewed under the "News" menu at the top of the page.

July 2023

We recently got a companion for Chokito - an Australian Kelpie pup named Lolly. She came from a surrendered litter from Warwick and comfortably settled in the day she came home.

December 2022

Our Christmas newsletter for 2022 has been written and can be viewed under the "News" menu at the top of the page.

November 2022

Felix has graduated from Year 12 at WestMAC and has received an offer to study Engineering and IT next year at QUT. He was also confirmed in a small ceremony the week after at the school chapel, led by Bishop Cameron of the Western Region of the Anglican Diocese of Brisbane.

December 2021

Our Christmas newsletter for 2021 has been written and can be viewed under the "News" menu at the top of the page.

April 2021

During the last 6 weeks, we have received some wonderful rain. As well as the plants bouncing back from three years of hotter and below average rainfall, the ground has exploded with all sorts of fungi. While out and about in the garden and bush, we took lots of photos of them.

January 2021

Our block at Tenterfield put on a show of paper daisies in the swamp recently. It's been almost two years since a bushfire went through the swamp and paper daisies being early colonisers, have taken advantage of the situation.

December 2020

Our Christmas newsletter for 2020 has been written and can be viewed under the "News" menu at the top of the page.

October 2020

Unwinding the fire hose at Tenterfield, there's usually a Peron's treefrog or two hiding in the reel. I couldn't help take a photo of one that landed on the valve handle.

December 2019

Our Christmas newsletter for 2019 has been written and can be viewed under the "News" menu at the top of the page.

November 2019

Felix and Myles both won awards at school presentation nights. Myles received the Coach's Award for his basketball team, whereas Felix received the Subject Prize for Year 9 Digital Technology and the Most Improved Certificate for STEM (separate subject where longer term projects are worked on).

August 2019

Felix entered the Young ICT Explorers competition (Brisbane) again this year, submitting some internal tools that he created for school. He didn't win anything this year, although it was a great experience.

May 2019

Myles entered some photos into the Ipswich Show and won first place and got into the Champions Section!

December 2018

Our Christmas newsletter for 2018 has been written and can be viewed under the "News" menu at the top of the page.

August 2018

Continuing from last year, Felix re-entered the Young ICT Explorers (Brisbane). His project was the same as last year, and involved using face recognition software to make roll marking easier in the classroom. This year, he received 3rd place. The event was a great experience.

December 2017

Our Christmas newsletter for 2017 has been written and can be viewed under the "News" menu at the top of the page.

November 2017

Felix recently entered the FIRST LEGO League (Brisbane) IT competition with a team of other passionate students. They won an Innovative Solution Award, which is a great result. Felix did a fair amount of the work on the solution, and the event was a great experience.

September 2017

Myles's two guinea pigs, Cookie and Lamington, unfortunately got eaten by a carpet snake. Myles has gotten two new guinea pigs, named Oreo and Espresso.

August 2017

Felix recently won a merit award at the Young ICT Explorers (Brisbane). His project called Facemark involved using face recognition software to make roll marking easier in the classroom. The event was a great experience.

August 2017

We were fortunate enough to have a koala visit our street at Mt Crosby recently. It's a fairly rare event being only the second one we've seen here in the last 12 years. Unfortunately this one had a bit of a dirty backside meaning it probably had Chlamydia.

February 2017

Myles is now the proud caretaker of two guinea pigs. They are currently 6 weeks old and are of the Rex variety. He has named them Lamington and Cookie.

December 2016

Our Christmas newsletter for 2016 has been written and can be viewed under the "News" menu at the top of the page.

December 2016

Felix has done it again! He topped the state in the ICAS computer skills test for grade 6 students. Three years ago he won the same prize in the grade 3 test. Here is a photo of Felix with his medal at a ceremony in the Brisbane Convention Centre.

April 2016

We have redesigned our website for mobile. On a computer browser, you might not see any differences. If you are on a small-screened device, it'll be a different story. We have also redesigned our wildlife pages, for both mobile and computer.

December 2015

Our Christmas newsletter for 2015 has been written and can be viewed under the "News" menu at the top of the page.

December 2014

There were a family of tawny frogmouth owls on our property at Mount Crosby recently. They are always nice to photgraph as they stay still. Click on the photos to see enlarged versions.

December 2014

Our Christmas newsletter for 2014 has been written and can be viewed under the "News" menu at the top of the page.

July 2014

We now have a new family member - a 9 week old Australian Kelpie which we've named Chokito. She comes from our friend and neighbour at Tenterfield who uses kelpies on his cattle farm.

January 2014

We've created a new artwork page that showcases the family's artistic abilities. In other words, it's our fridge door in virtual form.
Click the "Art" menu to access the page.

December 2013

Our Christmas newsletter for 2013 has been written and can be viewed under the "News" menu at the top of the page.

November 2013

It's official - Felix really is a geek. Felix recently topped the state in the ICAS computer skills test for grade 3 students. Here is a photo of an excited Felix accepting his medal at a ceremony in the Brisbane Convention Centre.

March 2013

Our website has been redesigned. The photo viewing component has been changed to avoid using Adobe Flash. People using Windows 8 (Modern UI) and Apple products will now be able to view them. The site should also be considerably faster as it now uses a more efficient framework called Code Igniter.

December 2012

Our Christmas newsletter for 2012 has been written and can be viewed under the "News" menu at the top of the page.

December 2011

While we were staying at Hervey Bay recently, a giant wood moth visited us on our balcony. These moth's claim to fame is that they are the heaviest moth in the world. The photo to the right shows Elizabeth using all her strength to pick it up. Click on the photo for an enlarged view.

December 2011

Our Christmas newsletter for 2011 has been written and can be viewed under the "News" menu at the top of the page.

November 2011

This year we have had some interesting visits from animals that have created some nice photo opportunities. We've compiled some of them into a slide show. Click on the photo to the right to view them.

January 2011

In January of 2011, Queensland and New South Wales had much more rain than usual which accumulated into a severe flooding event. While this was occuring we took some photos of the river at Mount Crosby. Click on the photo to the right to view them.

December 2010

Our Christmas newsletter for 2010 has been written and can be viewed under the "News" menu at the top of the page.

October 2010

Our family website has been redesigned. Peter wasn't entirely happy with the original photo viewing component as it couldn't do full screen slide shows. From a small thing like that, a whole new website was created using Morfik and Slide Show Pro. A fair bit of time was wasted getting here but has been enjoyable setting it up (well most of the time).

July 2010

It was with sad regret that Peter's father passed away on the 11 July 2010 (aged 79). He was much loved by all the family and will be dearly missed. His funeral was a lovely celebration of his life and two eulogies read at the funeral can be viewed under the news menu at the top of the page.

June 2010

We recently spotted a new bird to add to our list called the musk lorikeet. The lorikeets have probably have visited us in the past but we passed them up as scaly breasted lorikeets as they are more common here and look reasonably similar from a distance. It wasn't until a flowering grevillea near our verandah brought them in closer that we noticed the difference. To the right is a photo of one in the mentioned grevillea.

June 2010

We recently purchased a 32 hectare bush block between Stanthorpe and Tenterfield. The land has no structures on it and is predominately still in its natural state with a few cleared areas. To view a slide show of the property, click on photo to the right.

September 2009

During the first week or two in September just after the sun sets, fireflies begin to appear in the garden. This year conditions at Mt Crosby seems to have favoured the firefly as there were heaps flying about creating a bit of a fairy light wonderland. Just after dark and gullies with some undergrowth seem to be the best spots for viewing the fireflies.

August - September 2009

The scrub turkeys have decided to build a nest in our garden this year. They built one here a few years ago but it's always surprising how determined the male turkey is to scratch mulch up for the nest. He has scratched mulch up from as far as 60 metres away and across obstacles such as the road, the driveway and the carport. In late-September after 6-7 weeks of incubation, three baby turkeys appeared.

December 2008

Super mum Elizabeth graduated at the University of Queensland with a PhD in December 2008. All the family are very proud (and slightly relieved!).

July 2008

Peter's sole trading business has now changed to a company structure as of 1 July 2008. The link to the website is http://www.meierIT.com.au.

May 2007

To the right is a photo that compares our garden from normal conditions to when we were in drought. In May 2007 when we received less than an inch of rain for the three months prior and had some very hot days during that period. The greener photo was taken about a year before when we received normal rainfall.

April 2007

Start of our family website.